Trying a product

Open source enterprise software

When marketing enterprise software, we have requirements to allow users to test the products out. Selling open source enterprise software makes the process of giving the user what they need even more challenging. The goal of the business is to connect with the user, finding ways to make sure they’re enabled to understand how the product can fit in their stack. So we had to find clever ways to make sure the user understands the value of starting a trial for complex technology.

User flows

One of the ways I enabled designers to understand how users may be interacting with our product trials was through user journeys and flows. This helped to identify roadblocks, opportunities, new pathways, organic strategies, amongst others needs of our design process. As part of the product trial work, we used our existing personas to identify how they may interact with our trials.

User personas interacting with a product trial

This wasn’t always research-backed from the start or tried and true, but it gave everyone a general understanding of what’s trying to be solved from both the business and user lens.

Templating & enablement

Once the methods for the correct product flow are designed and tested, it’s crucial that there’s consistency in the way users interact with the company’s portfolio.

Service model design for a CMS

I created guidelines for developers to understand what needed to be templated and what was flexible, and what needed to be dynamically driven by the CMS. This also helped to ensure efficiency when a new product trial was spun up, or a new feature needed to be enabled across all products.

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My work UX contributions

Because I didn't do all of this shit myself

Design talks

Cross-team sharing I helped to start a concept of sharing across our large (at the time) 30 person or so design & development team (it’s now grown to close to 60). As our team evolved, it was becoming more and more difficult to stay connected. What we found useful in smaller sessions were leaders of […]

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Design system components

Building tools for designers

Design systems and enablement Sometimes being a designer means making sure others have what they need to design. That could be a designer, a developer, a strategist, among others. Every stage of the process needs design, whether its someone considering a possible future strategy or a designer creating a pixel-perfect component for their experience. For […]

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A call on a Sunday

Design without context I got a call on a Sunday from my bosses boss. So I knew something big was happening. It wasn’t the first time I had a call like this, but it was normally less hush hush, and revolved around something like a new product release or a partnership. But this time it […]

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